Sunday, September 19, 2010

Split Rock Light House and Lake Superior

On Friday, Kyle had some appointments with clients up in Northern Minnesota near Duluth. So we all went along for the ride. We saw Lake Superior and stopped at the Split Rock Lighthouse which is one of the best preserved lighthouses in the United States. It also is celebrating it's 100th birthday this year. It was a beautiful time of year to be up there, the trees were starting to change color.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I've been feeling like I should get my overflow of thoughts into words. I feel so frusterated many times through out my day and yet I shouldn't. I am so blessed and lucky. I have truly good kids. Kizzy is such a sweet girl who is caring and loving. And since her vocabulary has grown, communication with her more easily has made a dramatic difference in her listening and behavior. Kendal is a dream baby. Literally, he hardly ever cries. He doesn't cry when he's hungry, he just grunts. He fusses a little when he's tired but as soon as he's placed in a quiet dark place he just drifts off. He cries when he's gassy, but again as soon as it passes he's as good as gold. I still joke that I poke him sometimes to see if he's real, babies are not supposed to be as good and as easy as he is. I'm also blessed with an amazing husband. He truly loves being a daddy. I know that Kizzy, Kendal and myself are more important to him than anything else and that he would do anything for us. He always puts our needs ahead of his. I know he hates the fact that right now our life is not what he wants for us. Even though I struggle with our living situation alot, I try really hard to not complain to him because I know he beats himself up about it alot. And even though I could lists a hundred things that are really very difficult for me about our situation, we truly are happy. When the 4 of us are alone together we are so happy. One of the things that we've learned living here is that nothing is really all that important except being together as a family. I regularly sing a primary song to Kizzy that I've altered to personalize it:
"I love Kendal, and Kizzy.
We love Daddy, yessiree.
He loves us and so you see,
We are a happy family"
This song has sort of become our family anthem, we sing it so often. But as simple as it is, it is so true! We are a happy family, and we truly enjoy spending time together. It's kind of harder to have a social life with friends when we don't have a place of our own to invite them over too, but in a way it's ok, because we've become very close as a family and we have fun together. Today I've been very down and I knew that I needed to just express the biggest blessings that I have to help me put things in perspective.