Tuesday, November 30, 2010

4wheeling Up North

Back in October we went 4-wheeling with our extended Holker family up in the north woods of Minnesota. It's where Kyle goes hunting every year. I actually drove my own machine for the first time. But when we went out the second day I was quite content being a passenger.

Our machine got stuck once and I had to walk through ankle high mud with Kizzy strapped on my front. This picture is when I had to change my socks and shoes at the lunch site.

Kendal was so good the whole time. He was his Grandpa's riding buddy the entire trip.

I didn't know how Kizzy would be, but she loved it! She didn't enjoy being strapped into a carrier, but once we were moving she did just fine riding. She loved just wandering around and exploring while we stopped.
It was a life long dream of Kyle's to take his wife and children Up North, something he told me about since our first date. Now that we have been, I can honestly say that we had a great time and we are looking forward to many more years as a family up there.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


The brother and sister shots turned out great!

I love Kendal's smile and his crazy red hair that no amount of combing will tame.

I think Kizzy just looks so pretty in this one.

Don't I have the cutest kids?