Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Kindergarten and Kizzy

As most of you know, we enrolled Kizzy in Connections Academy at the beginning of the school year. CA is an online public school and a very good program. It worked out great for Kizzy for the first semester, as a matter of fact she made honor roll her first semester.  Then I got sick, Christmas break came, and I had my D&C on the first day back from Christmas break.  The second semester didn't start as smoothly. Lots of attitude, lots of meltdowns and lots of resistance. I figured it was a phase and that transitioning back after all that our family went through, as well as coming back from a 2 week vacation was going to take some time to get in the swing of things. 2 months later the meltdowns, attitude and resistance had multiplied and there was zero cooperation or learning going on. So, for the sake of her education, we enrolled Kizzy into South Elementary, our local public school.  So far it's been good. She enjoys it and has been having a good attitude at school and at home.  She is slightly behind in her language arts area, but spot on in math and everything else. That is a huge relief considering she had 2 months of questionable education.  Every morning for 1/2 hour she gets specialized focus on her language arts work. Her teacher is confident that she will be right on track by the end of the school year. She has adjusted well, for which I am very grateful. Here she is on her first day at South.