Thursday, December 16, 2010

Advenures in Potty Time

We've been talking about the potty for awhile now. Mostly talk, nothing else. Kizzy did go on the potty once, but that was months ago. Today, quite randomly Kizzy wanted to sit on the potty while watching her "Elmo's Potty Time" movie. She was getting very excited about going potty and refused to let me put a new diaper on her while dressing. So with some trepidation I put Minnie Mouse underwear on her. We talked about how Minnie doesn't like to get wet and so if she needs to go peepee, she needs to go on the potty. Well, the first time she needed to go, she stripped of her underwear and went running and climbed into the bathtub where she promptly peed. Thankfully it wasn't on the carpet. And now I know that she knows when she needs to go. The next time she needed to go she just started yelling "UHOH UHOH UHOH!" we weren't near her special potty so I took her to the closest bathroom and held her on the big potty. It scared the crap out of her, only not literally. She would not go until I lifted her down and then she went on the floor. Right now she is napping, in a diaper, but we're going to keep trying. She was very upset when I took her Minnie Mouse off. We'll keep at it for the rest of the day and see how it goes. If she keeps showing interest in trying, who knows, maybe this is it!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Kendal is a good eater. He is also a chunk. At one point he was waking up at night with increasing frequency to eat. When he woke up starving for the 7th time in one night, he got to eat solids the next day. He started out with rice cereal. He now enjoys apples (homemade), carrots (homemade), peaches, sweet potatoes, squash, and prunes. He has been given pears a handful of times and does not like them at all. Funny kid.