Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kids say the darndest things

I had an interesting conversation with Kizzy this morning. It went something like this.
Kizzy (having stripped down to her undies): I'm a rock star!
Me: you're a rock star? Well, rock stars wear clothes.
Kizzy: No, Mom. Rock stars are 'makin' (Kizzy speak for naked).

Where she came up with this I have no idea.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pre-School Graduation

Today was Kizzy's last day of Pre-School for the school year and she has a little graduation "ceremony".  It was really cute. Her class recited the Pledge of Allegiance and then sang "It's a Grand Ol' Flag" Then sang 2 cute little songs about the days of the week and learning.  Then they were given  little certificates.  We took our little "grad" out to lunch afterwards. She loved pre-school and I know she'll be looking forward to it next year. She learned alot and is well on her way to recognizing all her letters and numbers. She can recited the alphabet and count to 20. She knows all of her shapes and colors and un-preschool related she's starting to grasp gospel concepts. Kizzy is one smart cookie and I'm loving watching her learn and her imagination grow.