Monday, March 18, 2013


Lately we've been celebrating this wonderful boy. It was Kizzy's idea to have a special night where we celebrated Kendal because he's officially potty trained! So last night after dinner we made homemade milkshakes and celebrated. He is a remarkable 2 (almost 3) year old.  I think he averages about 1 temper tantrum every 6 months... maybe. He always wants to help me. He's the first to put toys away, wash dishes, fold laundry, put clothes in the hamper. He also has been known to get the vacuum out all by himself and vacuum the living room rug. His all time favorite is mopping the bathroom floors with the swiffer.  Kendal is the best brother Kizzy and Karter could hope for. When ever he earns a potty treat (his pick, Hershey kisses) he always breaks the tip off and gives it to Karter. He's quick to give his big sisters hugs, and if she's sad about something he goes out of his way to find something to make her happy, even if it means sharing his beloved blankie. Whenever I pick up Karter to take him to another room Kendal will shout, "don't take my baby brother away! I want him!" If Kizzy is ever given an assignment, (eg. pick up your room, put this toy away, pick up your dirty clothes, etc.) more often than not I find that Kendal did it for her.  He has such a funny personality. He's extremely possesive and protective of his family. He is 100% a daddy's boy and cries everytime daddy goes to work.  I love my little guy and am so proud of him! (not to mention thrilled that I only have 1 kid in diapers.)