Monday, March 21, 2011

Kizzy and Kendal

Besides the purple bow and the blue hat, I would have a hard time telling these two apart. Lately I've been thinking how lucky I am to have these two little ones in my life. And I want you all to get to know my babies.

Katherine Isabel Holker aka Kizzy


-born August 19, 2008

-named for Kyle's grandmothers


-She chose our family

-She was sent to us first so she could be my helper with her younger siblings

-She and I would have a good relationship

-She will be a blessing in my life

-She was blessed with intelligence and beauty

-She was blessed with strength

-She and Kendal will be good friends


-Mickey Mouse

-Doing everything BY HERSELF!


-any toy that is small and pink

-tv (she is a tv junkie)

-Mickey Mouse

-car trips

-the store with the big red balls (Target)

-Mickey Mouse



-peanut butter

-Mickey Mouse


-more peanut butter



-wearing pretty things

-her friend Nanan (Hannah)


-showers and swimming

-And Mickey Mouse


-Any food that is not peanut butter, cookies, ice cream, french fries, or cheese.



-she is so good at sharing

-she also wants to have Kendal included in everything she does

-she is silly

-she is lovable, giving hugs and kisses all the time

-she is strong willed and knows what she wants

-she is very friendly and greets people with "Hi, I Teezee! What's your name?"

-she goes around the house almost constantly singing, some favorites are "twinkle twinkle little star", "I am a child of God" and a large variety of songs that were made up by Kyle and I. (My personal favorite is one she and Kyle collaborated on "I got you, do do do")

-she doesn't nap anymore which isn't so bad once I found she actually has LESS tantrums now than she did when I made her nap.

-she potty trained herself and gave up her pacifier habit completely by herself in the same week

-she is a creature of habit and absolutely NEEDS routines in everything, she has routines within routines (example, brushing teeth has it's own routine, which is part of bedtime routine. Washing hands has it's own routine which is part of potty routine.) It can be tiring to be the only person who can do it "right" and frustrating when you need to speed things up and try to cut corners.

-she is very inquisitive and at the stage where she contantly asks "what's that?" and "what ya doin'?"

-she loves wishing people Happy Birthday

-she has a great imagination and it's really fun listening to her play

Kendal Hyrum Dennis Holker


-He was born June 30, 2010

-Kendal is a different form of Ken, his Grandpa Holker. Hyrum, is after Hyrum Smith and we chose it for the example Hyrum Smith was as an older brother. Dennis is after his Papa Newman who we wanted to honor, we chose this before his Papa was ever diagonosed with cancer. We are especially grateful we gave him this name since his Papa passed away when Kendal was 12 days old.


- He, like Hyrum, will be an exemplary older brother

-He is a comfort and a joy to me in particular, but to all in his family

- He was specially chosen for our family_

-He will be intellegent and wise

-He will be a strong leader in the church



-Playing with spoons

-playing the piano




-chewing on his socks

-his Grandpa


-things being taken away from him (he gets bright red in the face and yells in the face of whoever took it.)

-waiting for food

-bonking his head ( other minor bumps or bruises are no big deal but if he bonks his head, not only does he cry in pain, he gets mad and yells at me.)


-he's mastered sitting up and can scoot on the ground only when lying on his back, he still hates tummy time, so who knows when we can expect crawling.

-he is so happy and easy going

-he is going on 3 solid months of teething symptoms with still no teeth.

-he is a flirt

-he is great at falling asleep in his bed, but nowhere else. (so if we are away from home, he will not nap)

-his way of giving loves is to get a really serious face expression before leaning in and deliberately head butting.

-he is super ticklish

-he lights up like a light bulb when ever he sees Kizzy

-he loves his bath time so much the majority of his head bonks come from him getting so excited he loses his balance.

- if he can't fall asleep right away when we put him down, he taps the side of his bed until he falls asleep.

All in all, I am so lucky and blessed to be their Mommy.


Emilee said...

That's sweet. I like how blogs help us document things that we might not have otherwise. Kizzy's dislikes sounded just like Ivy's dislikes (except that Ivy only eats peanut butter in M&Ms because of the texture).

MariAnne said...

what a fun post! It's good to be a mama! and Hannah would love another play-date with Kizzy!!! :)