Friday, November 8, 2013

Personality update 1

Kizzy lately:
Boy, this girl never stops! She has an explanation for EVERYTHING, even things she knows nothing about she can talk about it until next week. I love hearing how her mind works, but I'll tell ya, listening to that girl is exhausting. No joke, it takes energy to follow her train of thought. Today I said to her, "Sweetie, I know that you have so much to say and so many ideas, but sometimes, you're not letting other people have turns sharing their thoughts. Sometimes, you need to listen and let other people have a turn talking." This was after she flipped out at Kendal when he tried to ask me a question while she was talking and had been talking non stop for over 5 minutes.Then later at the grocery store I had to gently pull her out of people's way and tell her to pay attention and watch where she is going. Every time that happened she went on a 3 minute speech about how sometimes people get in the way, and that's ok, because people make mistakes, and that just happens. Finally, out of frustration, I pulled her aside and said, "Katherine, I know that people make mistakes, but sometimes when I have to remind you to watch where you are going, over and over again, I don't want you to tell me all about it, I want you to say 'ok, Mom' and then you need to pay attention." She just gets so caught up in talking and explaining and questioning and narrating that she sometimes is completely oblivious to what's going on around her. Unfortunately I have to cut her off multiple times a day and tell her that she needs to wait to talk because I really need to... (talk on the phone, pay a bill, fill an order, take care of her brothers, respond to an email, make a grocery list, you get the idea). I'm absolutely not exaggerating when I say this girl does not stop talking unless she is asked to. She has so much enthusiasm and curiosity  and energy, and imagination, she's incredible. She is bright and quick and caring and I wouldn't trade her for anything. I worry to no end how to guide her to use all this passion for good. She's a walking stick of dynamite. She has so many emotions in her at all times that she's on the verge of exploding at all times good and bad. Most things that come out of her have a sense of urgency. Examples include a frantic, "MOM! MOM! MOM! I accidentally put my underwear down the laundry chute! It was an accident!" Um, ok kiddo, not a big deal, but thanks for making me think your brother was choking. OR the moment she burst into the bathroom while I'm showering, again frantic, "MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM! Is this a baby tooth or a big tooth?" Gee thanks for the privacy, and the heart attack. All kidding aside, some moments I want to pull my hair out, and other moments I want to laugh my head off.

1 comment:

Emilee said...

Lately when I tell Ivy to do or not do something, she says, "I know. I know." Okay, then if you know, act on the knowledge! Aren't kids fun?

Ivy gets on talking kicks and I've had to ask her to stop talking so someone else can before. Not too often though. I do have to remind Eli and I not to interrupt her (and sometimes get Eli to stop talking so Ivy can have a turn) since we're trying to teach her to not interrupt us.