Friday, November 8, 2013

Personality update 3

Karter lately:

Oh, my sweet baby boy is turning me gray. This boy is SOOO busy. I cannot keep up with him. He's physical and has no fear. In the last month alone he's given himself a black eye, a cut across his face, and a lump on his forehead the size of his fist. The number of times I've caught him in situations where my heart stopped beating is too numerous to count. He goes on kicks. For a few days that kick was to do everything within his power to sit on the middle of the kitchen table. Then his kick was to try his hardest to climb on top of my headboard (which is a shelf style). Then he was bound and determined to fit inside the dishwasher. Next was trying his hardest to open the oven at all times. And today he decided that he would do whatever it took to get to the toilet scrubber brush. Disgusting. He even brought the one from the basement bathroom upstairs when I hid the ones in the upstairs bathrooms. I can't remember the last time I relaxed while he was awake. Once I was on the phone with Kyle for a total of 3 minutes. In that 3 minutes I pulled Karter off the kitchen table twice, pulled him off of standing on the kitchen chairs 7 times. Stopped him from playing with the knobs on the stove 4 times and pulled him off of the dishwasher 10 times. The next night I put the extra baby gate up and blocked him from the kitchen while I made dinner.  He screamed the whole time. He is so cute and very affectionate. That little stinker can say Daddy as clear as a bell and even started say Eee-eee for Kizzy and Dan-da for Kendal, but he will NOT say Mama. When I try to get him to, he just gives me a sneaky little smile. He loves hugs and kisses from everyone and will initiate cuddling with his big brother and sister. He likes doing a fake laugh at everything. More than any of my children he thrives on one on one attention.

1 comment:

Emilee said...

Ivy said Grandpa and the dog's name before she said Mama or Mommy. It bugged, but on some level I realized that she didn't need to say my name. I was her constant.

Good luck keeping that one on solid ground. :)